Sunday, December 6, 2009

.ONE love.

Okay.. It's late on a Saturday night. Sleepy, tired and high(absolute cranberry vodka mixed with Ribena covered in air tight Sigg container) sip by sip.. Can you sip your life away?? I used to always asked myself back then, why do people love to blog? What do they blog about? Well it may seems like an addiction or just for fun still God knows why. Why do people love to drink(you know what I mean when it's not H2O)? I just don't know why nor understand. Have you ever wonder why? I'm sure all of us did. Well, can you live for a moment in your life without music?? I can't. I need music. At least once a day. I'm dead serious. Even a track will make me happy enough. Well there is alot of random thoughts running in my mind tashikani is not really random but people always asked me to save money for your future bla bla bla(I never disagree)... Let me ask you this, no money is a torture. When you have 10bucks still it's money. When you make six figure also money.. How much is enought? Man-kind always have GREED! (Born and blend together) But when you start to save money for future, have you ever wonder when will be your future? Assume you are at the age of 20years old and 10 years down the road you are 30 and 20 years down the road you are 50 and you died at the age of 50.5 years old. So, when is you future??
YOU WON'T LIVE A LIFE MORE THAN THE AGE OF 80years old. Don't be stupid.
This is so RANDOM! I miss my dad so much. T.T
It's been almost two years now. Who knows what we have been thru. It's a tough time when things like this hit us. Expected, but not really prepared for it (like you know you are so gonna hit that Jackpot but you are not prepared for it and when you win A Billion dollar and you fucking go crazy). It's so hard. If only he can hear us or hear me now. Unconditional love and bond between two person. It won't be as easy as formatting a Hard Drive(HDD). If only it works that way, all of our life will be much much much perfect. As for all of you out there please treasure people around you when they are still here. When THE DAY comes there shall be no regrets no matter a thousand gallon of tear drops won't be able to buy anything back.


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